June 15th, 2017 – 1st House Sitting Experience

June 15th, 2017

First House-sitting Experience

Port Washington, WI

Chickens, dogs, family photo, awkward, farm, house
Aww… a possible glimpse into our future.


Camrin has a cousin named Eryn who was in need of a house sitter.  We said yes.  The timing was perfect.  We had a week to kill between our test trip and actually leaving for adventure.  And we are interested in doing some house sitting over the next year and thought it could be good practice.  

Eryn and her family live on a few acres with aprox. 35 chickens, 2 dogs, 1 fish, and a garden that all need looking after.  We have never looked after chickens before so we were eager to learn how to care for them.  We spent four full days at the house and it was our last chance to do our final prep for our trip, fix our brakes again, and eat all the eggs we wanted.



We found chicken sitting to be pretty easy.  You let the chickens out of their coop at 6 am, make sure they have food and water for the day, and they know when to go back in their coops at night so all we had to do was close the coop doors.  The chickens are obviously used to people feeding them because as soon as we would go outside, a bunch of them would come running over to see us.


Chickens, farm, house, follow
Chickens followed us everywhere.

The dogs, Seamus and Sansa, needed the most attention because they love affection.  Laura became particularly close with Seamus who barely left her side all week.

King Charles Cavalier, dogs, old dogs, brown dog, small dog, lap dog, green grass
Seamus. The King of the castle.


Every day around 4 pm we would check the coops for eggs.  We were finding roughly 12-14 eggs a day.

Chicken coop, chickens, farm, eggs
Checking the coops.
eggs, chickens, chicken coop, farm, food
Taking out the eggs. Eggs will go right into a carton and into the fridge.


One night it stormed.  We didn’t even know how close the storm was until we could hear all this squawking coming from the chicken coops.  Laura went outside to check on the chickens and found they were all inside their coops early.  That’s when she turned around, looked at the sky, and could see a giant dark cloud headed their way.  She closed up the coops and the chickens were instantly quiet.  Animal instinct,  I guess.

Otherwise, it was a pleasant week.  Camrin’s brother Johnny was able to work late one night and fix our brakes.  We went through all of our gear and pulled the stuff we most likely will never use, and we started to plan the first leg of our journey.

Jeep, farm, sunrise, green, flowers
And here is Tina B. looking awesome!

Chickens, farm, summer, coop, eggs, portrait


Farm, House sit, chickens, dogs, eggs, summer, garden

Laura’s family stopped by to say goodbye and eat a couple of fresh eggs.


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