April 23rd, 2017

Hey, everyone! Laura here, and I’ve got some exciting news! As of last Friday, I have officially quit my job. While I mainly freelance in the commercial photo industry I picked up a side job over the winter to ensure a steady income and a better chance to save money. Now I’m ready for the adventures to begin!!  


Woah woah, slow down there!  First things first.  We still have to move out of our apartment, which we have until the end of April.  We still need to get our tent and other supplies.  Our blog still needs work and Camrin has her job.  Hopefully, if everything goes okay and the jeep stops having issues we’ll be ready in another month….  Which seems like forever away!


I do have to admit, as the date for our departure nears, anxiety is setting in. I’m certainly worried about money. I mean, I’m 30, I’m not rich, I have no money put into retirement, and now I’m quitting my job to live on the road. I must be crazy! And I somehow convinced my girlfriend who has a good paying office job to quit that and join. Well… she must be crazy too. I’m worried about the jeep making it 200 miles and blowing apart. I’m worried about mountain lions. I’m worried about something bad happening to one of us, but I know if we don’t go soon we never will. The whole idea of this adventure is to get out of the cubicle, learn new things, and put our feet on mountains and in oceans. We have a few plans we want to accomplish along the way and we hope to learn and grow as people over the next year.  


As for my photography career… well, I’m not sure. I am so full of doubt these days as to whether or not I’m even good at it. I’ve been turned down for so many entry-level assistant positions and I’ve become so critical of my work that I feel lost at times. Milwaukee was a great place to start, but I guess I never felt like I fit in the industry here and there never seemed to be enough work.  I’m hoping this year will I’ll better develop my skills, build my confidence, and I will reach out to people and publications. I really want to combine my love of photography and the outdoors. So, here’s to trying.
Together our hearts are ready for a lifestyle change and why not take a risk. If anything, in the end, we’ll hopefully come home with stories to tell.

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