We made it to our second WWOOF farm in the lovely town of Bow, Washington. This farm is named Graceland Tree Farm and is owned by Farmer Chris Johnson. This farm is located 2 hours North of Seattle on the beautiful Padilla Bay. Graceland Tree farm is a 34-acre property where you’ll find a vegetable garden, a small greenhouse, a network of trails through the forest, a couple of coy ponds, bird watching, and Bayview Boards sawmill on 1 acre of that land. Plus, the tree farm is across the street from a protected saltwater marsh known for its bird life.
During our stay, we helped care for the garden, planted lavender, helped finish a trail system on the property, and helped in mill making lumber. The main function of the farm is to create custom lumber and make furniture to sell. We were able to see trees turned into lumber that will be used to build things, all while practicing sustainability. For every tree that is felled a sapling is planted. School groups and scouts are encouraged to come and see the trees and earn a tree planting certificate. While this farm is a working tree farm it is also a place to enjoy nature. While hiking through the woods there are several tree varieties to see. Sequoia, Alaskan Yellow Cedar, Red Cedar, Madrone, Red Oak, Sitka Spruce, Bald Cypress, and both 100 year old Cottonwood and Douglas Fir trees.
We had a blast learning how to operate a sawmill, chop up firewood, play with the pets, eat cheesecake, and get to know Chris. There was also a fellow wwoofer staying at the farm named Jacob. Our free time was spent exploring the woods, taking strolls around the bay, and we’ll admit with wifi we were able to get caught up on Game of Thrones.
Here are our pics and videos from our stay!
Within minutes of our arrival Callie the cat found our Tent a suitable perch.Just in time for the sunset. Lovely view from the house and driveway.The first day of work. We helped on a trail system that goes through the middle of the property. The trail will be for hiking and for easier access to the trees in the center.Laura with loppers.So many Blackberries!!!Ew!The next day Camrin planted lavender in trays.
Sifting the compost.Spent the evening exploring a trail along the bay. Beautiful place and sunset.
The next door neighbor had a huge cedar tree fall down recently and offered it to Chris.
Fellow wwoofer, Jacob, lending a hand.
Dragging down a 12 foot section.Getting the log up on the mill.
Stripping the bark. Keeps the saw blade from getting dull.A blade gets under the bark while someone else pulls. Today’s modern mills have a machine do this, but for this mill the old way works just fine.Seeing the saw in action!
Removing the top slice as safely as possible.Bringing down the next section.
The Saw mill in action.And another section. This is over multiple day by the way.
Charlie Mo! Always sleeping.Seriously! Nothing wakes this dog. Except for singing time…
Making boardsView from the front door of Chris’s house.CHEESECAKE with wild blackberries! We ate too much of this.Laura loving Callie
Chicken of the woods. Camrin found this mushroom in Chris’ woods. Its edible and really does taste like chicken.During our stay the Solar eclipse happened. We were too far north to really see anything. Although our shadows got a little weird and the sky became a little darker. Laura made a pin hole box to view it better.
Looking good guys! These red cedar boards are going to a customer for a stair case that needs repairs.Another beautiful sunset!Charlie Mo! Aww… ready for a car ride.Making fire wood time.We got to use gas powered chopper. Its really fun to use!
Goofing off🙂Dragging the trails to keep the grass and weeds beaten down.Cutting down an Alder tree.
Trimming up the branches.Trying to get the tractor in to pull out the tree. Yikes!We got it! Thumbs up!
Ok Laura… We get it… You love the cat.Low tide! You can probably walk across the bay at this time.A nice portrait of Chris!Using the plainer.While cleaning and preparing to leave Callie had fun exploring the Jeep. Laura wished she could take her.Saying good bye to the farm. It was a blast!